LEAD Program 2019


ORT’s annual program aimed at nurturing the next generation of leaders across our educational network took place between Monday 4 November – Friday 8 November with an in-depth seminar in London.

The annual LEAD Program gives a group of outstanding ORT teachers and professionals the opportunity to develop their leadership and management skills, invest in their potential as future educational leaders and senior managers.

In total, 20 participants from 12 countries joined the program, with Argentina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Spain, and Ukraine also represented.

Two facilitators from UCL’s Institute of Education delivered sessions at ORT House. Participants learnt best practices for working together, being part of an effective team and understanding more about the roles different people can play in a team.

Diana Segre, Deputy Principal of the Scuola Della Comunita Ebraica in Milan, Italy, said the seminar had been “intellectually elevating”. The work was so interesting she wished she could have spent longer each day in sessions in order to learn more, she said.